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Tympanum Coat of Arms, Viscount Rothermere, 2m high Portland limestone, 2001

Architect drawing

Architect drawing

Clients original Coat of Arms

Clients original Coat of Arms

Andy's sketch proposal

Andy's sketch proposal

Jointing shown

In the workshop

In the workshop

Bart & Michele



Gladiator roughed out

Gladiator roughed out

Gladiator helmet roughed in

Gladiator helmet roughed in

Gladiators on stone easel

Gladiators on stone easel

Side view

Side view



tidying up the ashlar

Fixing the Coat of Arms

Fixing the Coat of Arms

“Do tell Andrew Tanser how impressed we were with the Rothermere Coat of Arms. We all thought it was of exceptional quality”

Francis Terry

Erith & Terry Architects


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